# vuex-persist CHANGELOG ## 3.0.0 - **BREAKING**: replaced `lodash.merge` with `deepmerge` (this can cause difference in behaviour on how you expect old state and new state to be merged (especially arrays)) ### 2.3.0 - fix localstorage init errors ## 2.0.0 ### 1.8 #### 1.7.1 - allow constructing without options object ### 1.7 - revert to lodash.merge as deepmerge has issues #### 1.6.1 - fix deepmerge to overwrite arrays (and not concat) ### 1.6 - replace `lodash.merge` with `deepmerge` (reduces size) #### 1.5.4 - remove `MockStorage` from umd builds (as it was only for NodeJS mocking) ### 1.5 - use Typescript 3.0 - use Rollup 0.65 - bundle as cjs and esm separately (dist/esm and dist/cjs) - output es2015 (users can use their own webpack settings to turn es5) #### 1.2.0 - \[feat\]: add support for cyclic objects #### 1.1.1 - fix `_config not defined` error in unit tests #### 1.1.5 - fix reactivity loss #### 1.1.3 - fix window.localStorage as default ### 1.1.0 - in sync stores too, filter and then save ## 1.0.0 - Full support for both sync and async storages - We can use localForage or window.localStorage as stores - Async stores work via promises internally - Sync stores **do not use** promise, so store is restored _immediately_ when plugin is added ### 0.6.0 - Fix MockStorage missing ### 0.5.0 - Depends on Vuex 3.x now - Supports localforage without custom restoreState/saveState now ### 0.4.0 - Supports localforage and similar async storages ### 0.3.0 - Supports [Vuex strict mode](https://vuex.vuejs.org/en/strict.html) #### 0.2.2 - Use lodash.merge instead of deep-assign - [FIX] use merge for reducer too - fully supports IE8 now #### 0.2.1 - Change Object.assign to deep-assign (fix #6) ### 0.2.0 - first public release ### 0.1.0 - no public release