// Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Alexander Bogarsukov. All rights reserved.
// See the LICENSE.md file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
namespace UnityFx.Outline
/// This asset is used to store references to shaders and other resources needed at runtime without having to use a Resources folder.
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "OutlineResources", menuName = "UnityFx/Outline/Outline Resources")]
public sealed class OutlineResources : ScriptableObject
#region data
private Shader _renderShader;
private Shader _outlineShader;
private Material _renderMaterial;
private Material _outlineMaterial;
private MaterialPropertyBlock _props;
private Mesh _fullscreenTriangleMesh;
private float[][] _gaussSamples;
private bool _useDrawMesh;
#region interface
/// Minimum value of outline width parameter.
public const int MinWidth = 1;
/// Maximum value of outline width parameter.
/// If the value is changed here, it should be adjusted in Outline.shader as well.
public const int MaxWidth = 32;
/// Minimum value of outline intensity parameter.
public const int MinIntensity = 1;
/// Maximum value of outline intensity parameter.
public const int MaxIntensity = 64;
/// Value of outline intensity parameter that is treated as solid fill.
public const int SolidIntensity = 100;
/// Minimum value of outline alpha cutoff parameter.
public const float MinAlphaCutoff = 0;
/// Maximum value of outline alpha cutoff parameter.
public const float MaxAlphaCutoff = 1;
/// Name of _MainTex shader parameter.
public const string MainTexName = "_MainTex";
/// Name of _MaskTex shader parameter.
public const string MaskTexName = "_MaskTex";
/// Name of _TempTex shader parameter.
public const string TempTexName = "_TempTex";
/// Name of _Color shader parameter.
public const string ColorName = "_Color";
/// Name of _Width shader parameter.
public const string WidthName = "_Width";
/// Name of _Intensity shader parameter.
public const string IntensityName = "_Intensity";
/// Name of _Cutoff shader parameter.
public const string AlphaCutoffName = "_Cutoff";
/// Name of _GaussSamples shader parameter.
public const string GaussSamplesName = "_GaussSamples";
/// Name of the _USE_DRAWMESH shader feature.
public const string UseDrawMeshFeatureName = "_USE_DRAWMESH";
/// Name of the outline effect.
public const string EffectName = "Outline";
/// Tooltip text for field.
public const string OutlineResourcesTooltip = "Outline resources to use (shaders, materials etc). Do not change defaults unless you know what you're doing.";
/// Tooltip text for field.
public const string OutlineLayerCollectionTooltip = "Collection of outline layers to use. This can be used to share outline settings between multiple cameras.";
/// Tooltip text for outline field.
public const string OutlineLayerMaskTooltip = "Layer mask for outined objects.";
/// Tooltip text for outline field.
public const string OutlineRenderingLayerMaskTooltip = "Rendering layer mask for outined objects.";
/// Index of the default pass in .
public const int RenderShaderDefaultPassId = 0;
/// Index of the alpha-test pass in .
public const int RenderShaderAlphaTestPassId = 1;
/// Index of the HPass in .
public const int OutlineShaderHPassId = 0;
/// Index of the VPass in .
public const int OutlineShaderVPassId = 1;
/// SRP not supported message.
internal const string SrpNotSupported = "{0} works with built-in render pipeline only. It does not support SRP (including URP and HDRP).";
/// Post-processing not supported message.
internal const string PpNotSupported = "{0} does not support Unity Post-processing stack v2. It might not work as expected.";
/// Hashed name of _MainTex shader parameter.
public readonly int MainTexId = Shader.PropertyToID(MainTexName);
/// Texture identifier for _MainTex shader parameter.
public readonly RenderTargetIdentifier MainTex = new RenderTargetIdentifier(MainTexName);
/// Hashed name of _MaskTex shader parameter.
public readonly int MaskTexId = Shader.PropertyToID(MaskTexName);
/// Texture identifier for _MaskTex shader parameter.
public readonly RenderTargetIdentifier MaskTex = new RenderTargetIdentifier(MaskTexName);
/// Hashed name of _TempTex shader parameter.
public readonly int TempTexId = Shader.PropertyToID(TempTexName);
/// Texture identifier for _TempTex shader parameter.
public readonly RenderTargetIdentifier TempTex = new RenderTargetIdentifier(TempTexName);
/// Hashed name of _Color shader parameter.
public readonly int ColorId = Shader.PropertyToID(ColorName);
/// Hashed name of _Width shader parameter.
public readonly int WidthId = Shader.PropertyToID(WidthName);
/// Hashed name of _Intensity shader parameter.
public readonly int IntensityId = Shader.PropertyToID(IntensityName);
/// Hashed name of _Cutoff shader parameter.
public readonly int AlphaCutoffId = Shader.PropertyToID(AlphaCutoffName);
/// Hashed name of _GaussSamples shader parameter.
public readonly int GaussSamplesId = Shader.PropertyToID(GaussSamplesName);
/// Temp materials list. Used by to avoid GC allocations.
internal readonly List TmpMaterials = new List();
/// Gets a that renders objects outlined with a solid while color.
public Shader RenderShader
return _renderShader;
/// Gets a that renders outline around the mask, that was generated with .
public Shader OutlineShader
return _outlineShader;
/// Gets a -based material.
public Material RenderMaterial
if (_renderMaterial == null)
UnityEngine.Debug.Assert(_renderShader != null, "No RenderShader is set in outline resources.", this);
_renderMaterial = new Material(_renderShader)
name = "Outline - RenderColor",
hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave
return _renderMaterial;
/// Gets a -based material.
public Material OutlineMaterial
if (_outlineMaterial == null)
UnityEngine.Debug.Assert(_outlineShader != null, "No OutlineShader is set in outline resources.", this);
_outlineMaterial = new Material(_outlineShader)
name = "Outline - Main",
hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave
if (_useDrawMesh)
return _outlineMaterial;
/// Gets a for .
public MaterialPropertyBlock Properties
if (_props is null)
_props = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
return _props;
/// Gets or sets a fullscreen triangle mesh. The mesh is lazy-initialized on the first access.
/// This is used by to avoid Blit() calls and use DrawMesh() passing
/// this mesh as the first argument. When running on a device with Shader Model 3.5 support this
/// should not be used at all, as the vertices are generated in vertex shader with DrawProcedural() call.
public Mesh FullscreenTriangleMesh
if (_fullscreenTriangleMesh == null)
_fullscreenTriangleMesh = new Mesh()
name = "Outline - FullscreenTriangle",
hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave,
vertices = new Vector3[] { new Vector3(-1, -1, 0), new Vector3(3, -1, 0), new Vector3(-1, 3, 0) },
triangles = new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }
return _fullscreenTriangleMesh;
_fullscreenTriangleMesh = value;
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether is used for image effects rendering even when procedural rendering is available.
public bool UseFullscreenTriangleMesh
return _useDrawMesh;
if (_useDrawMesh != value)
_useDrawMesh = value;
if (_outlineMaterial)
if (_useDrawMesh)
/// Gets a value indicating whether the instance is in valid state.
public bool IsValid => RenderShader && OutlineShader;
/// Returns a instance initialized with values from .
public MaterialPropertyBlock GetProperties(IOutlineSettings settings)
if (_props is null)
_props = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
_props.SetFloat(WidthId, settings.OutlineWidth);
_props.SetColor(ColorId, settings.OutlineColor);
if ((settings.OutlineRenderMode & OutlineRenderFlags.Blurred) != 0)
_props.SetFloat(IntensityId, settings.OutlineIntensity);
_props.SetFloat(IntensityId, SolidIntensity);
return _props;
/// Gets cached gauss samples for the specified outline .
public float[] GetGaussSamples(int width)
var index = Mathf.Clamp(width, 1, MaxWidth) - 1;
if (_gaussSamples is null)
_gaussSamples = new float[MaxWidth][];
if (_gaussSamples[index] is null)
_gaussSamples[index] = GetGaussSamples(width, null);
return _gaussSamples[index];
/// Resets the resources to defaults.
public void ResetToDefaults()
_renderShader = Shader.Find("Hidden/UnityFx/OutlineColor");
_outlineShader = Shader.Find("Hidden/UnityFx/Outline");
/// Calculates value of Gauss function for the specified and values.
public static float Gauss(float x, float stdDev)
var stdDev2 = stdDev * stdDev * 2;
var a = 1 / Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.PI * stdDev2);
var gauss = a * Mathf.Pow((float)Math.E, -x * x / stdDev2);
return gauss;
/// Samples Gauss function for the specified .
public static float[] GetGaussSamples(int width, float[] samples)
// NOTE: According to '3 sigma' rule there is no reason to have StdDev less then width / 3.
// In practice blur looks best when StdDev is within range [width / 3, width / 2].
var stdDev = width * 0.5f;
if (samples is null)
samples = new float[MaxWidth];
for (var i = 0; i < width; i++)
samples[i] = Gauss(i, stdDev);
return samples;
/// Writes a console warning if SRP is detected.
public static void LogSrpNotSupported(UnityEngine.Object obj)
if (GraphicsSettings.renderPipelineAsset)
UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarningFormat(obj, SrpNotSupported, obj.GetType().Name);
/// Writes a console warning if Post Processing Stack v2 is detected.
public static void LogPpNotSupported(UnityEngine.Object obj)
UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarningFormat(obj, PpNotSupported, obj.GetType().Name);
#region ScriptableObject
private void OnValidate()
if (_renderMaterial)
_renderMaterial.shader = _renderShader;
if (_outlineMaterial)
_outlineMaterial.shader = _outlineShader;