using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; //using LitJson; using UnityEngine; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; public delegate void LoadedCallback(AssetRequest assetRequest); public sealed class LoadModule : ModuleBase { #region Instance private static LoadModule instance; public static LoadModule Instance { get { if (instance == null) { instance = new LoadModule(); } return instance; } } #endregion public static readonly string ManifestAsset = "Assets/Manifest.asset"; public static readonly string Extension = ".unity3d"; public static bool runtimeMode = false; public static Func loadDelegate = null; private const string TAG = "[Assets]"; #region API public override void Init() { base.Init(); runtimeMode = ConfigDate.Instancecfg.UseAssetBundle; } /// /// 读取所有资源路径 /// /// public static string[] GetAllAssetPaths() { var assets = new List(); assets.AddRange(_assetToBundles.Keys); return assets.ToArray(); } public static string basePath { get; set; } public static string updatePath { get; set; } public static void AddSearchPath(string path) { searchPaths.Add(path); } public static ManifestRequest Initialize() { //改成不依赖MonoBehavior //var instance = FindObjectOfType(); //if(instance == null) //{ // instance = new GameObject("Assets").AddComponent(); // DontDestroyOnLoad(instance.gameObject); //} if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(basePath)) basePath = Application.streamingAssetsPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(updatePath)) updatePath = Application.persistentDataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; Clear(); Debug.Log(string.Format( "Initialize with: runtimeMode={0}\nbasePath:{1}\nupdatePath={2}", runtimeMode, basePath, updatePath)); var request = new ManifestRequest { name = ManifestAsset }; AddAssetRequest(request); return request; } public static void Clear() { searchPaths.Clear(); _activeVariants.Clear(); _assetToBundles.Clear(); _bundleToDependencies.Clear(); } private static SceneAssetRequest _runningScene; //public static SceneAssetRequest LoadSceneAsync(string path, bool additive, LoadedCallback loadedCallback = null) //{ // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) // { // Debug.LogError("invalid path"); // return null; // } // path = GetExistPath(path); // var asset = new SceneAssetRequestAsync(path, additive); // if (!additive) // { // if (_runningScene != null) // { // _runningScene.Release(); ; // _runningScene = null; // } // _runningScene = asset; // } // if (loadedCallback != null) // asset.completed += loadedCallback; // asset.Load(); // asset.AddReferance(); // _scenes.Add(asset); // Debug.Log(string.Format("LoadScene:{0}", path)); // return asset; //} //public static void UnloadScene(SceneAssetRequest scene) //{ // scene.Release(); //} public static AssetRequest LoadAssetAsync(string path, Type type, LoadedCallback loadedCallback = null) { return LoadAsset(path, type, true, loadedCallback); } public static AssetRequest LoadAsset(string path, Type type) { return LoadAsset(path, type, false); } public static void UnloadAsset(AssetRequest asset) { asset.Release(); } #region 业务 #if UNITY_EDITOR public const string BULLET_PATH_PREFIX = "Assets/Data/bullet/"; public const string MODEL_PATH_PREFIX = "Assets/Data/character/"; //private static string BundlePathPrefix = "Assets/Data/"; private static string UIPathPrefix = "Assets/Rec/ui/panel/"; // private static string JsonPathPrefix = "Assets/Scripts/DataTable/json/"; private static StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); #else public const string BULLET_PATH_PREFIX = "Assets/Data/bullet/"; public const string MODEL_PATH_PREFIX = "Assets/Data/character/"; private static string BundlePathPrefix = "Assets/Data/"; private static string UIPathPrefix = Application.streamingAssetsPath+"/"; private static string JsonPathPrefix = "Assets/Scripts/DataTable/json/"; private static StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); #endif public static AssetRequest LoadModel(string assetName, LoadedCallback loadedCallback = null) { Type type = typeof(GameObject); stringBuilder.Clear(); stringBuilder.Append(MODEL_PATH_PREFIX); stringBuilder.Append(assetName); stringBuilder.Append(GetAssetPostfix(type)); return LoadAssetAsync(stringBuilder.ToString(), type, loadedCallback); } public static AssetRequest LoadUI(string path, LoadedCallback loadedCallback = null) { Type type = typeof(GameObject); stringBuilder.Clear(); stringBuilder.Append(UIPathPrefix); stringBuilder.Append(path); stringBuilder.Append(GetAssetPostfix(type)); return LoadAssetAsync(stringBuilder.ToString(), type, loadedCallback); } //public static JsonData LoadJson(string path) //{ // stringBuilder.Clear(); // stringBuilder.Append(JsonPathPrefix); // stringBuilder.Append(path); // path = stringBuilder.ToString(); // //Debug.Log("LoadJson: " + path); // if (FileHelper.IsFileExist(path)) // { // using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(path)) // { // string jsonText = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); // JsonData jsonData = JsonMapper.ToObject(jsonText); // return jsonData; // } // } // else // { // GameLog.LogError(path + "不存在!"); // return null; // } //} #endregion #endregion #region Private /// /// Manifest加载结束回调 /// /// internal static void OnManifestLoaded(Manifest manifest) { _activeVariants.AddRange(manifest.activeVariants); AssetRef[] assets = manifest.assets; string[] dirs = manifest.dirs; BundleRef[] bundles = manifest.bundles; foreach (var item in bundles) _bundleToDependencies[] = Array.ConvertAll(item.deps, id => bundles[id].name); foreach (AssetRef item in assets) { string path = string.Format("{0}/{1}", dirs[item.dir],; if (item.bundle >= 0 && item.bundle < bundles.Length) { // 初始化路径映射表:路径==》bundle名字 _assetToBundles[path] = bundles[item.bundle].name; } else { Debug.LogError(string.Format("{0} bundle {1} not exist.", path, item.bundle)); } } } /// /// 每帧最大加载bundle数 /// private static List _unusedAssets = new List(); private static List _loadingAssets = new List(); private static List _scenes = new List(); private static Dictionary _assets = new Dictionary(); // update 驱动 public override void Update(float dt) { UpdateAssets(); UpdateBundles(); } /// /// 更新加载请求 /// private static void UpdateAssets() { for (int i = 0; i < _loadingAssets.Count; i++) { var request = _loadingAssets[i]; if (request.Update()) continue; _loadingAssets.RemoveAt(i); --i; } foreach (var item in _assets) { if (item.Value.isDone && item.Value.IsUnused()) { _unusedAssets.Add(item.Value); } } //TODO 惰性GC //之所以叫惰性GC,是因为和上一个版本相比,上一个版本是每帧都会检查和清理未使用的资源, //这个版本底层只会在切换场景或者主动调用Assets.RemoveUnusedAssets(); //的时候才会清理未使用的资源,这样用户可以按需调整资源回收的频率,在没有内存压力的时候,不回收可以获得更好的性能。 if (_unusedAssets.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < _unusedAssets.Count; ++i) { AssetRequest request = _unusedAssets[i]; Debug.Log(string.Format("UnloadAsset:{0}",; _assets.Remove(; request.Unload(); } _unusedAssets.Clear(); } for (var i = 0; i < _scenes.Count; ++i) { var request = _scenes[i]; if (request.Update() || !request.IsUnused()) continue; _scenes.RemoveAt(i); Debug.Log(string.Format("UnloadScene:{0}",; request.Unload(); --i; } } private static void UpdateBundles() { int max = MAX_BUNDLES_PERFRAME; // 正在加载的bundle数量小于每帧可加载数量 if (_toloadBundles.Count > 0 && max > 0 && _loadingBundles.Count < max) // 把能加载的bundle加进加载队列中 for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(max - _loadingBundles.Count, _toloadBundles.Count); ++i) { BundleRequest item = _toloadBundles[i]; if (item.LoadState == AssetLoadState.Init) { item.Load(); _loadingBundles.Add(item); _toloadBundles.RemoveAt(i); --i; } } // 加载中bundleUpdate,加载完就移除 for (var i = 0; i < _loadingBundles.Count; i++) { var item = _loadingBundles[i]; if (item.Update()) continue; _loadingBundles.RemoveAt(i); --i; } // 加载完的bundle,并且没有引用,就加进无用bundle列表 foreach (var item in _bundles) { if (item.Value.isDone && item.Value.IsUnused()) { _unusedBundles.Add(item.Value); } } if (_unusedBundles.Count <= 0) return; // 清理无用bundle列表 for (int i = 0; i < _unusedBundles.Count; i++) { BundleRequest item = _unusedBundles[i]; if (item.isDone) { item.Unload(); _bundles.Remove(; Debug.Log("UnloadBundle: " +; } } _unusedBundles.Clear(); } private static void AddAssetRequest(AssetRequest request) { _assets.Add(, request); _loadingAssets.Add(request); } private static AssetRequest LoadAsset(string path, Type type, bool async, LoadedCallback loadedCallback = null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { Debug.LogError("empty path!"); return null; } path = GetExistPath(path); AssetRequest request; if (_assets.TryGetValue(path, out request)) { request.AddReferance(); _loadingAssets.Add(request); if (loadedCallback != null) { loadedCallback(request); } return request; } string assetBundleName; if (GetAssetBundleName(path, out assetBundleName)) { request = async ? new BundleAssetRequestAsync(assetBundleName) : new BundleAssetRequest(assetBundleName); } else { if (path.StartsWith("http://", StringComparison.Ordinal) || path.StartsWith("https://", StringComparison.Ordinal) || path.StartsWith("file://", StringComparison.Ordinal) || path.StartsWith("ftp://", StringComparison.Ordinal) || path.StartsWith("jar:file://", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { request = new WebAssetRequest(); } else request = new AssetRequest(); } = path; request.assetType = type; AddAssetRequest(request); if (loadedCallback != null) { request.completed += loadedCallback; } request.Load(); request.AddReferance(); Debug.Log($"LoadAsset:{path}"); return request; } #endregion #region Paths private static List searchPaths = new List(); private static string GetExistPath(string path) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (runtimeMode == false) { // 编辑器模式 if (File.Exists(path)) return path; foreach (var item in searchPaths) { var existPath = string.Format("{0}/{1}", item, path); if (File.Exists(existPath)) return existPath; } Debug.LogError("【找不到资源路径】" + path); return path; } #endif if (_assetToBundles.ContainsKey(path)) return path; foreach (var item in searchPaths) { var existPath = string.Format("{0}/{1}", item, path); if (_assetToBundles.ContainsKey(existPath)) return existPath; } //Debug.LogError("资源没有收集打包" + path); return path; } // 获取资源在编辑器模式下的后缀 public static string GetAssetPostfix(Type type) { if (type == typeof(GameObject)) return ".prefab"; if (type == typeof(TextAsset)) return ".bytes"; if (type == typeof(Texture2D) || type == typeof(Sprite)) return ".png"; if (type == typeof(Material)) return ".mat"; if (type == typeof(ScriptableObject)) return ".asset"; return ""; } #endregion #region Bundles private static readonly int MAX_BUNDLES_PERFRAME = 0; private static List _activeVariants = new List(); private static List _loadingBundles = new List(); private static List _toloadBundles = new List(); private static List _unusedBundles = new List(); private static Dictionary _bundles = new Dictionary(); private static Dictionary _assetToBundles = new Dictionary(); private static Dictionary _bundleToDependencies = new Dictionary(); private static Dictionary AssetBundle_dic = new Dictionary(); public static AssetBundle GetAssetBundle(string key) { if (AssetBundle_dic.ContainsKey(key)) { return AssetBundle_dic[key]; } return null; } public static void AddAssetBundle(string key,AssetBundle ab) { if (!AssetBundle_dic.ContainsKey(key)) { AssetBundle_dic.Add(key, ab); } } internal static bool GetAssetBundleName(string path, out string assetBundleName) { return _assetToBundles.TryGetValue(path, out assetBundleName); } internal static string[] GetAllDependencies(string bundle) { string[] deps; if (_bundleToDependencies.TryGetValue(bundle, out deps)) return deps; return new string[0]; } internal static BundleRequest LoadBundle(string assetBundleName) { return LoadBundle(assetBundleName, false); } internal static BundleRequest LoadBundleAsync(string assetBundleName) { return LoadBundle(assetBundleName, true); } internal static void UnloadBundle(BundleRequest bundle) { bundle.Release(); } internal static BundleRequest LoadBundle(string assetBundleName, bool asyncMode) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetBundleName)) { Debug.LogError("assetBundleName == null"); return null; } assetBundleName = RemapVariantName(assetBundleName); var url = GetDataPath(assetBundleName) + assetBundleName; BundleRequest bundle; if (_bundles.TryGetValue(url, out bundle)) { bundle.AddReferance(); _loadingBundles.Add(bundle); return bundle; } if (url.StartsWith("http://", StringComparison.Ordinal) || url.StartsWith("https://", StringComparison.Ordinal) || url.StartsWith("file://", StringComparison.Ordinal) || url.StartsWith("ftp://", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { bundle = new WebBundleRequest(); } else bundle = asyncMode ? new BundleRequestAsync() : new BundleRequest(); = url; _bundles.Add(url, bundle); if (MAX_BUNDLES_PERFRAME > 0 && (bundle is BundleRequestAsync || bundle is WebBundleRequest)) { _toloadBundles.Add(bundle); } else { bundle.Load(); _loadingBundles.Add(bundle); Debug.Log("LoadBundle: " + url); } bundle.AddReferance(); return bundle; } // 这个函数没看懂 private static string RemapVariantName(string assetBundleName) { var bundlesWithVariant = _activeVariants; // Get base bundle path var baseName = assetBundleName.Split('.')[0]; var bestFit = int.MaxValue; var bestFitIndex = -1; // Loop all the assetBundles with variant to find the best fit variant assetBundle. for (var i = 0; i < bundlesWithVariant.Count; i++) { var curSplit = bundlesWithVariant[i].Split('.'); var curBaseName = curSplit[0]; var curVariant = curSplit[1]; if (curBaseName != baseName) continue; var found = bundlesWithVariant.IndexOf(curVariant); // If there is no active variant found. We still want to use the first if (found == -1) found = int.MaxValue - 1; if (found >= bestFit) continue; bestFit = found; bestFitIndex = i; } if (bestFit == int.MaxValue - 1) Debug.LogWarning( "Ambiguous asset bundle variant chosen because there was no matching active variant: " + bundlesWithVariant[bestFitIndex]); return bestFitIndex != -1 ? bundlesWithVariant[bestFitIndex] : assetBundleName; } private static string GetDataPath(string bundleName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(updatePath)) return basePath; if (File.Exists(updatePath + bundleName)) return updatePath; return basePath; } #endregion }