using System; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Build.Reporting; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Analytics; namespace Unity.Play.Publisher.Editor { /// /// Options for representing the result of the upload process /// public enum UploadResult { /// /// The upload process was manually interrupted by the user /// Cancelled, /// /// The upload process was automatically interrupted by an error /// Failed, /// /// The upload process succeeded /// Succeeded } class AnalyticsHelper : ScriptableObject { const int MaxEventsPerHour = 1000; const int MaxNumberOfElements = 1000; const string VendorKey = "unity.webglPublisher"; // the format needs to be "" const string EventBuildStarted = "webglPublisher_buildStarted"; const string EventBuildCompleted = "webglPublisher_buildCompleted"; const string EventUploadStarted = "webglPublisher_uploadStarted"; const string EventUploadCompleted = "webglPublisher_uploadCompleted"; const string EventButtonClicked = "webglPublisher_buttonClicked"; static string ProjectID { get { //we use a combination of company name + product name to reduce the chance of clash with other projects return string.IsNullOrEmpty(CloudProjectSettings.projectId) ? string.Format("{0}_{1}", PlayerSettings.companyName, PlayerSettings.productName) : CloudProjectSettings.projectId; } } DateTime lastBuildStartTime; DateTime lastUploadStartTime; /// /// The instance of the analytics helper /// public static AnalyticsHelper Instance { get { if (!s_Instance) { var instance = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(); if (instance.Length == 0) { s_Instance = CreateInstance(); s_Instance.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; } else { s_Instance = instance[0] as AnalyticsHelper; } } return s_Instance; } } static AnalyticsHelper s_Instance; static void DebugWarning(string message, params object[] args) { #if DEBUG_TUTORIALS Debug.LogWarningFormat(message, args); #endif } static void DebugLog(string message, params object[] args) { #if DEBUG_TUTORIALS Debug.LogFormat(message, args); #endif } static void DebugError(string message, params object[] args) { #if DEBUG_TUTORIALS Debug.LogErrorFormat(message, args); #endif } internal static void BuildStarted(bool fromTool) { Instance.lastBuildStartTime = DateTime.UtcNow; SendBuildStartedEvent(ProjectID, fromTool); } internal static void BuildCompleted(BuildResult result) { BuildCompleted(result, DateTime.UtcNow - Instance.lastBuildStartTime); } internal static void BuildCompleted(BuildResult result, TimeSpan lastBuildDuration) { SendBuildCompletedEvent(ProjectID, lastBuildDuration, result); } internal static void UploadStarted() { Instance.lastUploadStartTime = DateTime.UtcNow; SendUploadStartedEvent(ProjectID); } internal static void UploadCompleted(UploadResult result) { TimeSpan lastUploadDuration = DateTime.UtcNow - Instance.lastUploadStartTime; SendUploadCompletedEvent(ProjectID, lastUploadDuration, result); } /// /// Tracks the click on a specific button /// /// internal static void ButtonClicked(string buttonID) { SendButtonClickedEvent(ProjectID, buttonID); } #region Events Structure public struct BuildStartedEventData { public int ts; // timestamp public string id; public bool fromTool; } public struct BuildCompletedEventData { public int ts; // timestamp public string id; public int duration; public int result; } public struct UploadStartedEventData { public int ts; // timestamp public string id; } public struct UploadCompletedEventData { public int ts; // timestamp public string id; public int duration; public int result; } public struct ButtonClickedEventData { public int ts; // timestamp public string id; public string buttonID; } public static AnalyticsResult SendBuildCompletedEvent(string projectID, TimeSpan duration, BuildResult result) { if (!EditorAnalytics.enabled || !RegisterEvent(EventBuildCompleted)) { return AnalyticsResult.AnalyticsDisabled; } var data = new BuildCompletedEventData { ts = DateTime.UtcNow.Millisecond, id = projectID, duration = (int)duration.TotalSeconds, result = (int)result }; return SendEvent(EventBuildCompleted, data); } public static AnalyticsResult SendBuildStartedEvent(string projectID, bool fromTool) { if (!EditorAnalytics.enabled || !RegisterEvent(EventBuildStarted)) { return AnalyticsResult.AnalyticsDisabled; } var data = new BuildStartedEventData { ts = DateTime.UtcNow.Millisecond, id = projectID, fromTool = fromTool }; return SendEvent(EventBuildStarted, data); } public static AnalyticsResult SendUploadCompletedEvent(string projectID, TimeSpan duration, UploadResult result) { if (!EditorAnalytics.enabled || !RegisterEvent(EventUploadCompleted)) { return AnalyticsResult.AnalyticsDisabled; } var data = new UploadCompletedEventData { ts = DateTime.UtcNow.Millisecond, id = projectID, duration = (int)duration.TotalSeconds, result = (int)result }; return SendEvent(EventUploadCompleted, data); } public static AnalyticsResult SendUploadStartedEvent(string projectID) { if (!EditorAnalytics.enabled || !RegisterEvent(EventUploadStarted)) { return AnalyticsResult.AnalyticsDisabled; } var data = new UploadStartedEventData { ts = DateTime.UtcNow.Millisecond, id = projectID }; return SendEvent(EventUploadStarted, data); } public static AnalyticsResult SendButtonClickedEvent(string projectID, string buttonID) { if (!EditorAnalytics.enabled || !RegisterEvent(EventButtonClicked)) { return AnalyticsResult.AnalyticsDisabled; } var data = new ButtonClickedEventData { ts = DateTime.UtcNow.Millisecond, id = projectID, buttonID = buttonID }; return SendEvent(EventButtonClicked, data); } #endregion static bool RegisterEvent(string name) { AnalyticsResult result = EditorAnalytics.RegisterEventWithLimit(name, MaxEventsPerHour, MaxNumberOfElements, VendorKey); if (result != AnalyticsResult.Ok) { DebugError("Error in RegisterEvent: {0}", result); return false; } return true; } static AnalyticsResult SendEvent(string eventName, object parameters) { AnalyticsResult result = EditorAnalytics.SendEventWithLimit(eventName, parameters); if (result != AnalyticsResult.Ok) { DebugError("Error in {0}: {1}", eventName, result); } return result; } } }