using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor.ShortcutManagement; using UnityEngine.UIElements; namespace UnityEditor.Rendering.LookDev { class CameraController : Manipulator { [Flags] enum Direction { None = 0, Up = 1 << 0, Down = 1 << 1, Left = 1 << 2, Right = 1 << 3, Forward = 1 << 4, Backward = 1 << 5, All = Up | Down | Left | Right | Forward | Backward } Direction m_DirectionKeyPressed = Direction.None; float m_StartZoom = 0.0f; float m_ZoomSpeed = 0.0f; float m_TotalMotion = 0.0f; Vector3 m_MotionDirection = new Vector3(); float m_FlySpeedNormalized = .5f; float m_FlySpeed = 1f; float m_FlySpeedAccelerated = 0f; const float m_FlySpeedMin = .01f; const float m_FlySpeedMax = 2f; //[TODO: check if necessary to add hability to deactivate acceleration] const float k_FlyAcceleration = 1.1f; bool m_ShiftBoostedFly = false; bool m_InFlyMotion; bool m_IsDragging; static TimeHelper s_Timer = new TimeHelper(); ViewTool m_BehaviorState; ViewTool behaviorState { get { return m_BehaviorState; } set { if (value != m_BehaviorState && m_BehaviorState == ViewTool.FPS) { isDragging = false; inFlyMotion = false; m_DirectionKeyPressed = Direction.None; } m_BehaviorState = value; } } protected CameraState m_CameraState; DisplayWindow m_Window; protected Action m_Focused; Rect screen => target.contentRect; bool inFlyMotion { get => m_InFlyMotion; set { if (value ^ m_InFlyMotion) { if (value) { s_Timer.Begin(); EditorApplication.update += UpdateFPSMotion; } else { m_FlySpeedAccelerated = 0f; m_MotionDirection =; m_ShiftBoostedFly = false; EditorApplication.update -= UpdateFPSMotion; } m_InFlyMotion = value; } } } float flySpeedNormalized { get => m_FlySpeedNormalized; set { m_FlySpeedNormalized = Mathf.Clamp01(value); float speed = Mathf.Lerp(m_FlySpeedMin, m_FlySpeedMax, m_FlySpeedNormalized); // Round to nearest decimal: 2 decimal points when between [0.01, 0.1]; 1 decimal point when between [0.1, 10]; integral between [10, 99] speed = (float)(System.Math.Round((double)speed, speed < 0.1f ? 2 : speed < 10f ? 1 : 0)); m_FlySpeed = Mathf.Clamp(speed, m_FlySpeedMin, m_FlySpeedMax); } } float flySpeed { get => m_FlySpeed; set => flySpeedNormalized = Mathf.InverseLerp(m_FlySpeedMin, m_FlySpeedMax, value); } virtual protected bool isDragging { get => m_IsDragging; set { //As in scene view, stop dragging as first button is release in case of multiple button down if (value ^ m_IsDragging) { if (value) { target.RegisterCallback(OnMouseDrag); target.CaptureMouse(); EditorGUIUtility.SetWantsMouseJumping(1); //through screen edges } else { EditorGUIUtility.SetWantsMouseJumping(0); target.ReleaseMouse(); target.UnregisterCallback(OnMouseDrag); } m_IsDragging = value; } } } public CameraController(DisplayWindow window, Action focused) { m_Window = window; m_Focused = focused; } public void UpdateCameraState(Context context, ViewIndex index) { m_CameraState = context.GetViewContent(index).camera; } private void ResetCameraControl() { isDragging = false; inFlyMotion = false; behaviorState = ViewTool.None; } protected virtual void OnScrollWheel(WheelEvent evt) { // See UnityEditor.SceneViewMotion.HandleScrollWheel switch (behaviorState) { case ViewTool.FPS: OnChangeFPSCameraSpeed(evt); break; default: OnZoom(evt); break; } } void OnMouseDrag(MouseMoveEvent evt) { switch (behaviorState) { case ViewTool.Orbit: OnMouseDragOrbit(evt); break; case ViewTool.FPS: OnMouseDragFPS(evt); break; case ViewTool.Pan: OnMouseDragPan(evt); break; case ViewTool.Zoom: OnMouseDragZoom(evt); break; default: break; } } void OnKeyDown(KeyDownEvent evt) { OnKeyUpOrDownFPS(evt); OnKeyDownReset(evt); } void OnChangeFPSCameraSpeed(WheelEvent evt) { float scrollWheelDelta =; flySpeedNormalized -= scrollWheelDelta * .01f; string cameraSpeedDisplayValue = flySpeed.ToString(flySpeed < 0.1f ? "F2" : flySpeed < 10f ? "F1" : "F0"); if (flySpeed < 0.1f) cameraSpeedDisplayValue = cameraSpeedDisplayValue.TrimStart(new Char[] { '0' }); GUIContent cameraSpeedContent = EditorGUIUtility.TrTempContent( $"{cameraSpeedDisplayValue}x"); m_Window.ShowNotification(cameraSpeedContent, .5f); evt.StopPropagation(); } void OnZoom(WheelEvent evt) { const float deltaCutoff = .3f; const float minZoom = .003f; float scrollWheelDelta =; float relativeDelta = m_CameraState.viewSize * scrollWheelDelta * .015f; if (relativeDelta > 0 && relativeDelta < deltaCutoff) relativeDelta = deltaCutoff; else if (relativeDelta <= 0 && relativeDelta > -deltaCutoff) relativeDelta = -deltaCutoff; m_CameraState.viewSize += relativeDelta; if (m_CameraState.viewSize < minZoom) m_CameraState.viewSize = minZoom; evt.StopPropagation(); } void OnMouseDragOrbit(MouseMoveEvent evt) { Quaternion rotation = m_CameraState.rotation; rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(evt.mouseDelta.y * .003f * Mathf.Rad2Deg, rotation * Vector3.right) * rotation; rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(evt.mouseDelta.x * .003f * Mathf.Rad2Deg, Vector3.up) * rotation; m_CameraState.rotation = rotation; evt.StopPropagation(); } void OnMouseDragFPS(MouseMoveEvent evt) { Vector3 camPos = m_CameraState.pivot - m_CameraState.rotation * Vector3.forward * m_CameraState.distanceFromPivot; Quaternion rotation = m_CameraState.rotation; rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(evt.mouseDelta.y * .003f * Mathf.Rad2Deg, rotation * Vector3.right) * rotation; rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(evt.mouseDelta.x * .003f * Mathf.Rad2Deg, Vector3.up) * rotation; m_CameraState.rotation = rotation; m_CameraState.pivot = camPos + rotation * Vector3.forward * m_CameraState.distanceFromPivot; evt.StopPropagation(); } void OnMouseDragPan(MouseMoveEvent evt) { //[TODO: fix WorldToScreenPoint and ScreenToWorldPoint var screenPos = m_CameraState.QuickProjectPivotInScreen(screen); screenPos += new Vector3(evt.mouseDelta.x, -evt.mouseDelta.y, 0); //Vector3 newWorldPos = m_CameraState.ScreenToWorldPoint(screen, screenPos); Vector3 newWorldPos = m_CameraState.QuickReprojectionWithFixedFOVOnPivotPlane(screen, screenPos); Vector3 worldDelta = newWorldPos - m_CameraState.pivot; worldDelta *= EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint; if (evt.shiftKey) worldDelta *= 4; m_CameraState.pivot += worldDelta; evt.StopPropagation(); } void OnMouseDragZoom(MouseMoveEvent evt) { float zoomDelta = HandleUtility.niceMouseDeltaZoom * (evt.shiftKey ? 9 : 3); m_TotalMotion += zoomDelta; if (m_TotalMotion < 0) m_CameraState.viewSize = m_StartZoom * (1 + m_TotalMotion * .001f); else m_CameraState.viewSize = m_CameraState.viewSize + zoomDelta * m_ZoomSpeed * .003f; evt.StopPropagation(); } void OnKeyDownReset(KeyDownEvent evt) { if (evt.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape) ResetCameraControl(); evt.StopPropagation(); } void OnKeyUpOrDownFPS(KeyboardEventBase evt) where T : KeyboardEventBase, new() { if (behaviorState != ViewTool.FPS) return; //Note: Keydown is called in loop but between first occurence of the // loop and laters, there is a small pause. To deal with this, we // need to register the UpdateMovement function to the Editor update KeyCombination combination; if (GetKeyCombinationByID("3D Viewport/Fly Mode Forward", out combination) && combination.Match(evt)) RegisterMotionChange(Direction.Forward, evt); if (GetKeyCombinationByID("3D Viewport/Fly Mode Backward", out combination) && combination.Match(evt)) RegisterMotionChange(Direction.Backward, evt); if (GetKeyCombinationByID("3D Viewport/Fly Mode Left", out combination) && combination.Match(evt)) RegisterMotionChange(Direction.Left, evt); if (GetKeyCombinationByID("3D Viewport/Fly Mode Right", out combination) && combination.Match(evt)) RegisterMotionChange(Direction.Right, evt); if (GetKeyCombinationByID("3D Viewport/Fly Mode Up", out combination) && combination.Match(evt)) RegisterMotionChange(Direction.Up, evt); if (GetKeyCombinationByID("3D Viewport/Fly Mode Down", out combination) && combination.Match(evt)) RegisterMotionChange(Direction.Down, evt); } void RegisterMotionChange(Direction direction, KeyboardEventBase evt) where T : KeyboardEventBase, new() { m_ShiftBoostedFly = evt.shiftKey; Direction formerDirection = m_DirectionKeyPressed; bool keyUp = evt is KeyUpEvent; bool keyDown = evt is KeyDownEvent; if (keyDown) m_DirectionKeyPressed |= direction; else if (keyUp) m_DirectionKeyPressed &= (Direction.All & ~direction); if (formerDirection != m_DirectionKeyPressed) { m_MotionDirection = new Vector3( ((m_DirectionKeyPressed & Direction.Right) > 0 ? 1 : 0) - ((m_DirectionKeyPressed & Direction.Left) > 0 ? 1 : 0), ((m_DirectionKeyPressed & Direction.Up) > 0 ? 1 : 0) - ((m_DirectionKeyPressed & Direction.Down) > 0 ? 1 : 0), ((m_DirectionKeyPressed & Direction.Forward) > 0 ? 1 : 0) - ((m_DirectionKeyPressed & Direction.Backward) > 0 ? 1 : 0)); inFlyMotion = m_DirectionKeyPressed != Direction.None; } evt.StopPropagation(); } Vector3 GetMotionDirection() { var deltaTime = s_Timer.Update(); Vector3 result; float speed = (m_ShiftBoostedFly ? 5 * flySpeed : flySpeed); if (m_FlySpeedAccelerated == 0) m_FlySpeedAccelerated = 9; else m_FlySpeedAccelerated *= Mathf.Pow(k_FlyAcceleration, deltaTime); result = m_MotionDirection.normalized * m_FlySpeedAccelerated * speed * deltaTime; return result; } void UpdateFPSMotion() { m_CameraState.pivot += m_CameraState.rotation * GetMotionDirection(); m_Window.Repaint(); //this prevent hich on key down as in CameraFlyModeContext.cs } bool GetKeyCombinationByID(string ID, out KeyCombination combination) { var sequence = ShortcutManager.instance.GetShortcutBinding(ID).keyCombinationSequence.GetEnumerator(); if (sequence.MoveNext()) //have a first entry { combination = new KeyCombination(sequence.Current); return true; } else { combination = default; return false; } } ViewTool GetBehaviorTool(MouseEventBase evt, bool onMac) where T : MouseEventBase, new() { if (evt.button == 2) return ViewTool.Pan; else if (evt.button == 0 && evt.ctrlKey && onMac || evt.button == 1 && evt.altKey) return ViewTool.Zoom; else if (evt.button == 0) return ViewTool.Orbit; else if (evt.button == 1 && !evt.altKey) return ViewTool.FPS; return ViewTool.None; } void OnMouseUp(MouseUpEvent evt) { bool onMac = Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor; var state = GetBehaviorTool(evt, onMac); if (state == behaviorState) ResetCameraControl(); evt.StopPropagation(); } void OnMouseDown(MouseDownEvent evt) { bool onMac = Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor; behaviorState = GetBehaviorTool(evt, onMac); if (behaviorState == ViewTool.Zoom) { m_StartZoom = m_CameraState.viewSize; m_ZoomSpeed = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Abs(m_StartZoom), .3f); m_TotalMotion = 0; } // see also SceneView.HandleClickAndDragToFocus() if (evt.button == 1 && onMac) m_Window.Focus(); target.Focus(); //required for keyboard event isDragging = true; evt.StopPropagation(); m_Focused?.Invoke(); } protected override void RegisterCallbacksOnTarget() { target.focusable = true; //prerequisite for being focusable and recerive keydown events target.RegisterCallback(OnMouseUp); target.RegisterCallback(OnMouseDown); target.RegisterCallback(OnScrollWheel); target.RegisterCallback(OnKeyDown); target.RegisterCallback(OnKeyUpOrDownFPS); } protected override void UnregisterCallbacksFromTarget() { target.UnregisterCallback(OnMouseUp); target.UnregisterCallback(OnMouseDown); target.UnregisterCallback(OnScrollWheel); target.UnregisterCallback(OnKeyDown); target.UnregisterCallback(OnKeyUpOrDownFPS); } struct KeyCombination { KeyCode key; EventModifiers modifier; public bool shiftOnLastMatch; public KeyCombination(UnityEditor.ShortcutManagement.KeyCombination shortcutCombination) { key = shortcutCombination.keyCode; modifier = EventModifiers.None; if ((shortcutCombination.modifiers & ShortcutModifiers.Shift) != 0) modifier |= EventModifiers.Shift; if ((shortcutCombination.modifiers & ShortcutModifiers.Alt) != 0) modifier |= EventModifiers.Alt; if ((shortcutCombination.modifiers & ShortcutModifiers.Action) != 0) { if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer) modifier |= EventModifiers.Command; else modifier |= EventModifiers.Control; } shiftOnLastMatch = false; } //atLeastModifier allow case were A is required but event provide shift+A public bool Match(IKeyboardEvent evt, bool atLeastForModifier = true) { shiftOnLastMatch = evt.shiftKey; if (atLeastForModifier) return key == evt.keyCode && modifier == (evt.modifiers & modifier); else return key == evt.keyCode && modifier == evt.modifiers; } } struct TimeHelper { long lastTime; public void Begin() => lastTime = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks; public float Update() { float deltaTime = (System.DateTime.Now.Ticks - lastTime) / 10000000.0f; lastTime = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks; return deltaTime; } } } class SwitchableCameraController : CameraController { CameraState m_FirstView; CameraState m_SecondView; ViewIndex m_CurrentViewIndex; bool switchedDrag = false; bool switchedWheel = false; public SwitchableCameraController(DisplayWindow window, Action focused) : base(window, null) { m_CurrentViewIndex = ViewIndex.First; m_Focused = () => focused?.Invoke(m_CurrentViewIndex); } public void UpdateCameraState(Context context) { m_FirstView = context.GetViewContent(ViewIndex.First).camera; m_SecondView = context.GetViewContent(ViewIndex.Second).camera; m_CameraState = m_CurrentViewIndex == ViewIndex.First ? m_FirstView : m_SecondView; } void SwitchTo(ViewIndex index) { CameraState stateToSwitch; switch (index) { case ViewIndex.First: stateToSwitch = m_FirstView; break; case ViewIndex.Second: stateToSwitch = m_SecondView; break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown ViewIndex"); } if (stateToSwitch != m_CameraState) m_CameraState = stateToSwitch; m_CurrentViewIndex = index; } public void SwitchUntilNextEndOfDrag() { switchedDrag = true; SwitchTo(ViewIndex.Second); } override protected bool isDragging { get => base.isDragging; set { bool switchBack = false; if (switchedDrag && base.isDragging && !value) switchBack = true; base.isDragging = value; if (switchBack) SwitchTo(ViewIndex.First); } } public void SwitchUntilNextWheelEvent() { switchedWheel = true; SwitchTo(ViewIndex.Second); } protected override void OnScrollWheel(WheelEvent evt) { base.OnScrollWheel(evt); if (switchedWheel) SwitchTo(ViewIndex.First); } } }